
使用lynx来获取网页文本, 效果就相当于在一个网页上面输入ctrl+a ctrl+c,然后ctrl+v保存到一个文本文件中,当然写到脚本里就可以自动化操作了。 lynx -notitle -nomargins -nolist -width=4096 -verbose -display_charset=gb2312 -dump http://baike.baidu.com/view/396668.htm?hh=255 | iconv -f gb2312 -t utf8//IGNORE 排下版 wang@wang-desktop:~/script/notsobad/shell/tool$ cat get_url.sh #!/bin/sh # File: get_url.sh # Author: notsobad # Description: # Created: 2009-12-14 15:53:02 # Last modified: 2009-12-14 15:53:02 url=$1 lynx -notitle\ -nomargins\ -nolist\ -width=4096\ -verbose\ -display_charset=gb2312\ -dump\ "$url"\ | iconv -f gb2312 -t utf8//IGNORE

December 14, 2009 · notsobad


关于shell中的eval 对于命令注入后,一条命令可能需要的字符大概有这几个吧 $ ' " ; && || [ ] ` > <; 可以看到是很多的,所以黑名单过滤的方法肯定是有问题的,因为是肯可能绕过去的。 加入对所有GET, POST的参数都用了htmlspecialchars做了处理,那么所有的< > 都会被转义成html字符 那么就没办法使用重定向符号了吗? 参考下下面的利用eval来使用管道符号 The shell takes care of pipes and I/O redirection before variable substitution, so it never recognizes the pipe symbol inside pipe. The result is that the three arguments |, wc, and -l are passed to ls as arguments. ...

December 7, 2009 · notsobad


ubuntu下去除开机的服务,如果安装了apache,mysql开发用,可以去掉,使用的时候再打开。 find /etc/rc*.d/ -name \*apache2 -exec rm {} \; #Or: sudo update-rc.d -f apache2 remove

December 7, 2009 · notsobad


在100个最佳网络安全工具里找了下,排12的是个Nikto,也是[10个最佳web扫描器](http://sectools.org/web- scanners.html)里排第一个的,装了试一下,挺不错 wang@wang-laptop:~$ sudo apt install nokto wang@wang-laptop:~$ nikto -Help Options: -config+ use this config file -Cgidirs+ scan these CGI dirs: 'none', 'all', or values like "/cgi/ /cgi-a/" -Display+ turn on/off display outputs: 1 Show redirects 2 Show cookies received 3 Show all 200/OK responses 4 Show URLs which require authentication D Debug Output V Verbose Output -dbcheck check database and other key files for syntax errors (cannot be abbreviated) -evasion+ ids evasion technique: 1 Random URI encoding (non-UTF8) 2 Directory self-reference (/./) 3 Premature URL ending 4 Prepend long random string 5 Fake parameter 6 TAB as request spacer 7 Change the case of the URL 8 Use Windows directory separator (\) -findonly find http(s) ports only, don't perform a full scan -Format+ save file (-o) format: htm HTML Format csv Comma-separated-value txt Plain text (default if not specified) xml XML Format -host+ target host -Help Extended help information -id+ host authentication to use, format is userid:password -mutate+ Guess additional file names: 1 Test all files with all root directories 2 Guess for password file names 3 Enumerate user names via Apache (/~user type requests) 4 Enumerate user names via cgiwrap (/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/~user type requests) -nolookup skip name lookup -output+ write output to this file -port+ port to use (default 80) -Pause+ pause between tests (seconds) -root+ prepend root value to all requests, format is /directory -ssl force ssl mode on port -Single Single request mode -timeout+ timeout (default 2 seconds) -Tuning+ scan tuning: 0 File Upload 1 Interesting File / Seen in logs 2 Misconfiguration / Default File 3 Information Disclosure 4 Injection (XSS/Script/HTML) 5 Remote File Retrieval - Inside Web Root 6 Denial of Service 7 Remote File Retrieval - Server Wide 8 Command Execution / Remote Shell 9 SQL Injection a Authentication Bypass b Software Identification c Remote Source Inclusion x Reverse Tuning Options (i.e., include all except specified) -useproxy use the proxy defined in config.txt -update update databases and plugins from cirt.net (cannot be abbreviated) -Version print plugin and database versions -vhost+ virtual host (for Host header) + requires a value 试着扫了下自己的笔记本,发现还是扫到很有意思的东西 环境: ubuntu9.10 + apache2(默认配置) 居然有这么个地址 http://localhost/server-status 记录的是apache运行状态。 ...

December 5, 2009 · notsobad


shell参数中单引号如何表示呢? 存在一个程序notsobad,它接受一个参数中含有单引号,怎么写呢? # 双引号引起来 echo "'" ./notsobad -a xxx -b "'" # Or,注意参数中的单引号写法,实际上是 '\'' ./notsobad -a xxx -b ''\''' echo ''\''' 在shell参数中包含`(反引号)字符,如何做呢? # Wrong! # 反引号会先被shell截获解释,替换为反引号内部命令的执行结果 # 实际上产给notsobad的是id这个命令的输出,而不是命令本身 ./notsobad -b "`id`" # Right! echo '`id`' ./notsobad -b '`id`'

December 4, 2009 · notsobad


shell中的heredoc很有用,对于临时的创建一个较长的字符串,比如脚本中要创建一个脚本等,就可以用这个 参考 Here Documents heredoc中的变量,shell命令都会被执行 下面的脚本创建了一串ftp命令,供ftp命令使用 Filename=`basename $1` # Strips pathname out of file name. Server="ibiblio.org" Directory="/incoming/Linux" # These need not be hard-coded into script, #+ but may instead be changed to command-line argument. Password="your.e-mail.address" # Change above to suit. ftp -n $Server << End-Of-Session # -n option disables auto-logon user anonymous "$Password" binary bell cd $Directory put "$Filename.lsm" put "$Filename.tar.gz" bye End-Of-Session 注意,如果想输出原始字符,即不希望‘$’符号被替换为变量,需要把引导字符用引号引起来,或者添加转义符。 ...

December 3, 2009 · notsobad


使用vi来编辑python代码,参考这如下文章 [Python and vim: Make your own IDE](http://dancingpenguinsoflight.com/2009/02/python-and-vim-make-your-own- ide/) Indenting Python with VIM 主要的: 在.vimrc中 filetype plugin indent on AutoCmd FileType python set complete+=k~/.vim/syntax/python.vim isk+=.,( AutoCmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.py \ setlocal tabstop=4 \ setlocal softtabstop=4 \ setlocal shiftwidth=4 \ setlocal textwidth=80 \ setlocal smarttab \ setlocal expandtab \ setlocal smartindent \ setlocal indentkeys=!^F,o,O,<:>,0),0],0},=elif,=except,0#

December 2, 2009 · notsobad


关于linux下io重定向的几篇文章 A Detailed Introduction to I/O and I/O Redirection [Advanced Bash- Scripting Guide I/O Redirection](http://www.faqs.org/docs/abs/HTML/io- redirection.html) linux下三种文件是默认打开的,stdin(键盘), stdout(屏幕), stderr(错误信息,输出到屏幕),这三个和其它的打开文件都是可以被重定向的。 有一个脚本a.sh,我想把它的输出全部重定向到一个文件中去,如何做呢? 通常我们会在调用时做 sh a.sh >/tmp/out.txt 2>&1 但是如果调用是程序没办法控制的,如何在这个脚本内部做呢? 写一个测试脚本看下 #cat a.sh ...

November 30, 2009 · notsobad


ubuntu下安装chrome浏览器 编辑/etc/apt/sources.list Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) 添加这个源 deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) 添加这个源 deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu karmic main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu karmic main 然后运行 sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 0xfbef0d696de1c72ba5a835fe5a9bf3bb4e5e17b5 之后就可以安装了 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install chromium-browser -y

November 29, 2009 · notsobad


今天看到了个说法 什么是bing? Bing Is Not Google 参考GNU GNU’s Not Unix

November 28, 2009 · notsobad