
via 鸿渐道:“我发现拍马屁跟恋爱一样,不容许有第三都冷眼旁观。咱们以后恭维人起 来,得小心旁边没有其他的人。” 辛楣道:“像咱们这种旅行,最试验得出一个人的品性。旅行是最劳顿,最麻烦,叫人 本相毕现的时候。经过长期苦旅行而彼此不讨厌的人,才可以结交作朋友——且慢,你听我 说——结婚以后的蜜月旅行是次序颠倒的,庆该先同旅行一个月,一个月舟车仆仆以后,双 方还没有彼此看破,彼此厌恶,还没有吵嘴翻脸,还要维持原来的婚约,这种夫妇保证不会 离婚。” “你这话为什么不跟曹元朗夫妇去讲?” “我这句话是专为你讲的,sonny。孙小姐经过这次旅行并不使你讨厌罢?”辛楣 说着,回头望望孙小姐的轿子,转过脸来,呵呵大笑。 “别胡闹。我问你,你经过这次旅行,对我的感想怎么样?觉得我讨厌不讨厌?” “你不讨厌,可是全无用处。” 鸿渐想不到辛楣会这样干脆的回答,气得只好苦笑。兴致扫尽,静默地走了几步,向辛 楣一挥手说:“我坐轿子去了。”上了轿子,闷闷不乐,不懂为什么说话坦白算是美德。 ...

January 11, 2010 · notsobad


从http://www.shell-fu.org/lister.php?random 会随机的显示一条脚本技巧. 把下面的内容放到bashrc中,运行shellfu即可,enjoy! shellfu(){ curl -s "http://www.shell-fu.org/lister.php?random" | sed -e 's/ /\n<\/div>\n/g' | sed -n -e "/ /,/<\/div>/p" | lynx -stdin -dump -nolist; } 运行效果: 518 ~>shellfu The commmands below show the ten largest files/dirs in the working directory. Both commands give similar results, though handle things slightly differently. The 'du' option is good if you also need sizes of subdirectories, but the 'ls' option gives more detail. ls -laSh | head -10 du -s * | sort -nr | head -10 I find both to be useful in situations where I need to make more free space. 518 ~>shellfu Mail somebody about space running low in some path (ksh, bash): PATHS="/export/home /home" AWK=/usr/bin/awk DU="/usr/bin/du -ks" GREP=/usr/bin/grep DF="/usr/bin/df -k" TR=/usr/bin/tr SED=/usr/bin/sed CAT=/usr/bin/cat MAILFILE=/tmp/mailviews$$ MAILER=/bin/mailx mailto="[email protected]" for path in $PATHS do DISK_AVAIL=`$DF $path | $GREP -v "Filesystem" | $AWK '{print $5}'|$SED 's/%//g'` if [ $DISK_AVAIL -gt 90 ];then echo "Please clean up your stuff\n\n" > $MAILFILE $CAT $MAILFILE | $MAILER -s "Clean up stuff" $mailto fi done

January 11, 2010 · notsobad


以前写的一个处理相片的脚本,使用imagemagick 把数码相机里的照片转成1024宽的图片,同时在照片上添加一个水印,内容是从EXIF中取出的拍摄时间。 #!/bin/sh # File: deal_photo.sh # Description: # 把数码相机里的照片转成1024宽的图片 # 同时在照片上添加一个水印,内容是从EXIF中取出的拍摄时间 # Created: 2009-11-02 10:01:11 # Last modified: 2009-11-02 10:01:11 set -x for i in *.JPG;do out=`echo _$i|sed 's/JPG$/jpg/'` time=`identify -format "%[EXIF:DateTime]" $i` title="notsobad at $time" [ -f $out ] && rm $out; convert -gravity south\ -size 1024x \ +profile "*" \ -fill green \ -pointsize 30\ -font /home/wang/.fonts/MONACO.TTF \ -draw "text 10,10 '$title'" \ $i $out done

January 11, 2010 · notsobad


使用ffmpeg来进行屏幕录像 man里面的: X11 grabbing FFmpeg can grab the X11 display. ffmpeg -f x11grab -s cif -i :0.0 /tmp/out.mpg 0.0 is display.screen number of your X11 server, same as the DISPLAY environment variable. ffmpeg -f x11grab -s cif -i :0.0+10,20 /tmp/out.mpg 0.0 is display.screen number of your X11 server, same as the DISPLAY environment variable. 10 is the x-offset and 20 the y-offset for the grabbing. 保存为a.avi ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1024x768 -r 60 -i :0.0 a.avi 结束后q退出,效果还不错。

January 10, 2010 · notsobad


随机的显示一张xkcd的漫画, 把这个加到你的~/.bashrc里面。 xkcd(){ wget -q http://dynamic.xkcd.com/comic/random/ -O - | grep -Eo http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/.*png | wget -q -i - -O - | display; } 然后无聊的时候运行下xkcd就行了 display工具是属于imagemagick的包里面

January 10, 2010 · notsobad

Alas! Four-oh-four

看BeautifulSoup的一个faq时遇到了一个很有个性的404页面 http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/FAQ.html 内容: A browsing Victorian chap Encountered a server mishap. The page was no more: “Alas! Four-oh-four!” Enough with this limerick crap.

January 9, 2010 · notsobad


python的unicode问题实在是让人痛苦,本身要写一段小程序,时间都被浪费在处理unicode上面了。 我的python版本 python -c 'import sys;print sys.version' 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Dec 7 2009, 18:45:15) [GCC 4.4.1] import os,sys from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer def get_info(cont): print type(cont) soup = BeautifulSoup(cont) a = soup.findAll('a') print type(a) print(a) if __name__ == "__main__": s = sys.stdin.read() s = unicode(s, 'utf-8') get_info(s) 出错信息: 505 ~/script/notsobad/python/tool>cat /tmp/book_2742/index.html | ./book_res.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "./book_res.py", line 28, in get_info(s) File "./book_res.py", line 20, in get_info print(a) UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 79-82: ordinal not in range(128) type(a) 是unicode,但是print a却报错。 最后在python的mail list里找到了篇 http://mail.python.org/pipermail/tutor/2005-August/040991.html http://mail.python.org/pipermail/tutor/2005-August/040993.html ...

January 9, 2010 · notsobad


Javascript中的保留字,变量函数名不要使用这些字符。 IE JScript Reserved Words Firefox Reserved Words 注意IE中的“Protected Reserved Words”,在脚本加载时就会报错。

January 8, 2010 · notsobad

PHP curl_exec() url可被用户控制导致的漏洞

通常情况下curl被用来访问远程链接,并取回数据。但是curl支持很多协议。下面是一段php手册中关于curl的描述: PHP supports libcurl, a library created by Daniel Stenberg, that allows you to connect and communicate to many different types of servers with many different types of protocols. libcurl currently supports the http, https, ftp, gopher, telnet, dict, file, and ldap protocols. libcurl also supports HTTPS certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading (this can also be done with PHP’s ftp extension), HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, and user+password authentication. ...

January 8, 2010 · notsobad


带有机房的厕所,哈哈 上机房要先从女厕所通过 <http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/The-Stalled-Server- Room.aspx> 有人回复道: I always knew womens restrooms were nicer than what we guys got. Now I see they have server rooms in there too?!?!

January 8, 2010 · notsobad