确认projection生效: https://clickhouse.com/docs/knowledgebase/projection_example

ReadFromPreparedSource (for_column2) 可以看出是走了projection

clickhouse-23.12 :) explain indexes = 1 SELECT count() from table1_projections where column2 > 999 and column1 > 1;
│ Expression ((Projection + Before ORDER BY)) │
│   Aggregating                               │
│     Filter                                  │
│       ReadFromPreparedSource (for_column2)  │

Using projections to speedup queries in Clickhouse

This is important as this means we have to add all columns to projection that are used in the query. This is different from row-based databases indexes, which referrence entire rows. But columnar database doesn’t even know what row is, that’s why projection != index. Projection is just some part of the original table data stored in a different form, which is better suitable for certain queries.




create table test (a UInt32, b UInt32, c UInt32, d UInt32)
Engine = MergeTree() order by (a, b)

insert into test select number, number + rand() % 100, number - rand() % 100, rand() / 1000
from numbers(1, 100000)

alter table test add projection c_d (select c, d order by c,d)
alter table test materialize projection c_d

# used projection
explain indexes=1 SELECT count() from test where c < 10
explain indexes=1 SELECT count() from test where c = 10

# no projection, why?
explain indexes=1 SELECT count() from test where c > 10