Mockingbird 在线原型设计工具

从这里看到一个在线原型设计工具 Mockingbird 是基于 Cappuccino 开发的一个在线原型设计工具。 确实很酷,280 Slides也是用这个工具做的。 研究了下,它是用Objective- J来做的,好像是类似GWT一样的东西,挺麻烦的 Cappuccino is an open source application framework for developing applications that look and feel like the desktop software users are familiar with. Cappuccino is built on top of standard web technologies like JavaScript, and it implements most of the familiar APIs from GNUstep and Apple’s Cocoa frameworks. When you program in Cappuccino, you don’t need to concern yourself with the complexities of traditional web technologies like HTML, CSS, or even the DOM. The unpleasantries of building complex cross browser applications are abstracted away for you. Cappuccino was implemented using a new programming language called Objective-J, which is modelled after Objective-C and built entirely on top of JavaScript. Programs written in Objective-J are interpreted in the client, so no compilation or plugins are required. Objective-J is released alongside Cappuccino in this project and under the LGPL. ...

December 21, 2009 · notsobad

Joel on software

几篇很不错的文章 1 易用的界面,简单的一步 2 主次分明 3 每日构建(daily build)是你的朋友 4 第四战略篇:膨胀软件与80/20的谣传 5 行进中开火 6 看起来简单, 实际上复杂 7 给计算机系学生的建议 8 轻松面试找到理想员工-非官方的面试技术指南 9 The Joel Test: 软件开发成功 12 法则 10 《微独立软件供应商:从理想到现实》序 11 抽象渗漏法则 原文:Joel on software ...

December 7, 2009 · notsobad


shell参数中单引号如何表示呢? 存在一个程序notsobad,它接受一个参数中含有单引号,怎么写呢? # 双引号引起来 echo "'" ./notsobad -a xxx -b "'" # Or,注意参数中的单引号写法,实际上是 '\'' ./notsobad -a xxx -b ''\''' echo ''\''' 在shell参数中包含`(反引号)字符,如何做呢? # Wrong! # 反引号会先被shell截获解释,替换为反引号内部命令的执行结果 # 实际上产给notsobad的是id这个命令的输出,而不是命令本身 ./notsobad -b "`id`" # Right! echo '`id`' ./notsobad -b '`id`'

December 4, 2009 · notsobad


从这里看到了一个slide,[ Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture]( application-architecture) 觉得很不错,分享一下,国外技术人员做的slide确实很cool [Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture]( application-architecture “Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture”) View more documents from Nicholas Zakas.

November 25, 2009 · notsobad


emacs中的语法高亮,应该是默认启用的 我有些.tpl的文件,实际上是些html模板文件,需要html的语法高亮,这就要一些配置。 在~/.emacs中加几行,声明这几种文件的类型即可 ;HTML (autoload 'html-helper-mode "html-helper-mode" "Yay HTML" t) (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\\\.html$" . html-helper-mode) auto-mode-alist)) (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\\\.htm$" . html-helper-mode) auto-mode-alist)) (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\\\.tpl$" . html-helper-mode) auto-mode-alist))

November 19, 2009 · notsobad


MySQL的编码很复杂,一直也搞不大懂。 参考mysql网站上的一个帖子setting utf8 in my.cnf 修改自己的/etc/mysql/my.cnf,添加了写编码相关的字段 最终版本: /etc/mysql>cat my.cnf |grep -v ^# [client] port = 3306 socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock default-character-set = utf8 [mysqld_safe] …… 后在db shell中查看编码 mysql> show variables like "%character%";show variables like "%collation%"; +--------------------------+----------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +--------------------------+----------------------------+ | character_set_client | utf8 | | character_set_connection | utf8 | | character_set_database | utf8 | | character_set_filesystem | binary | | character_set_results | utf8 | | character_set_server | utf8 | | character_set_system | utf8 | | character_sets_dir | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ | +--------------------------+----------------------------+ 8 rows in set (0.00 sec) +----------------------+-----------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +----------------------+-----------------+ | collation_connection | utf8_general_ci | | collation_database | utf8_general_ci | | collation_server | utf8_general_ci | +----------------------+-----------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) 这样编码就统一为utf8了 ...

November 19, 2009 · notsobad


一个emacs的站点,请直接访问这里:Xah’s Emacs Tutorial 很有用的tips,比如 “How To Make Emacs Use Modern User Interface ”, 让你的emacs和常用编辑器更像一些,对于初学者很有用, 下面给出目录: General Tips Emacs Basics Emacs Intermediate How To Make Emacs Use Modern User Interface Emacs and MS Windows Tips Emacs Advanced Tips Emacs Less-known Tips New Features in Emacs 23 Fun Things To Do With Emacs General Tasks Emacs and Unicode Tips Emacs and HTML Tips Emacs and Unix Tips File Management with Emacs Specific Tasks Find and Replace with Emacs FIND → REPLACE Interactively Find and Replace String Patterns on Multiple Files Rename Files by a Text Pattern Emacs Regex Emacs Keyboarding Emacs’s Keyboard Shortcut Layout Defining Your Own Keyboard Shortcuts A Ergonomic Keyboard Shortcut Layout Why Emacs’s Keyboard Shortcuts Are Painful How To Avoid The Emacs Pinky Problem General Emacs Tips Where to get JavaScript, PHP, Visual Basic, … How To Install Emacs Packages Long Term Emacs Productivity Tips Emacs Modernization ...

November 19, 2009 · notsobad